Local Orthopedist Co-authors Scientific Paper with Two of His Sons”
Dr. David Waddell, a partner at Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana, is the senior author of a paper that has just been accepted for publication in the Journal of Knee Surgery. Two of his sons are co-authors of the paper. Dr. Brad S. Waddell, an orthopedic resident at Oschner Foundation in New Orleans, and William Hunter Waddell, a senior at the University of Arkansas, collaborated in work leading to the publication. The title of the paper is “Efficacy and Tolerability of Hylan G-F 20 inPatients With or Without Effusions at Time of Initial Injection.” The paper demon-trates that there is no difference in efficacy or tolerability of the Hylan G-F 20 in either group. This is a significant finding in that it shows that what has been thegeneral approach to patients with effusions has not been necessary. Rather than wait for the effusion to clear or treat it with steroids, the injection with Hylan G-F20 can be done at the initial injection as long as the effusion is aspirated. Thisfinding may well alter the way that many physicians treat patients with effusionsand consider using Hylan G-F 20 on the initial visit with aspiration of the effusion.
Dr. Brad Waddell plans to return to Shreveport and join Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana upon completion of his fellowship in total joint surgery at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City…one of the leading hospitals for total joint surgery and research in the world. William Hunter Waddell plans to attend medical school upon graduation from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, AR plans to be an Hunter is a senior at the University of Arkansas. He is a Dean’s List and Chancellor ‘s List student. He recently was in Sweden completing a summer study program on the Swedish health care system. He also is doing independent research in the Department of Biology at the University of Arkansas.
Dr. David Waddell is an internationally recognized expert in the field of osteoarthritis of the knee, total knee arthroplasty and viscosupplementation. He has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed scientific articles in the above mentioned areas of science. He holds several patents in both surgical and medical treatment of osteoarthritis. He has been in practice at OSL formore than 35 years limiting his practice to disorders of the knee. He treats kneedisorders both medically and surgically, including arthroscopic surgery, total knee replacement and ligament reconstruction. He is a member of numerous orthopedic societies, including the American Orthopedic Association, the oldest orthopedic leadership honor society in America. He looks forward to the time when both Brad and Hunter join Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana.